Measure the impact of your team training using online surveys: the ideal tool to evaluate results, identify improvement areas and maximize your organization learning. encourages businesses to conduct surveys regarding the effectiveness of their employee training programs. Taking advantage of these great surveys will prove to benefit both your company and the participating employees.
From time to time, companies decide it is necessary to offer new training courses to their employees, but how useful are these courses? Do they benefit the employees and, in turn, the company? No matter how well planned the course might be, if the employees lose interest then the course concurrently loses its impact. Therefore, it is vital to adjust the course to their needs. With, and its template for internal training and professional development, , this is a simple, yet information-rich process.
Include multiple choice questions with a single or multiple correct answers. Configure the time limit and/or date and time of availability.
Customize the final result based on a score established through a customizable scale. Hide or show the final result and the correct answer for each question and / or its score at the end of the exam.